CV Writing Tips for freshers Cademix Article Lindah Awuor

CV writing tips for freshers

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

You’ve finished college, and it’s time to move into finding a job. You, therefore, need a great CV to make you stand out. A CV that will illustrate how passionate you are and show what a great work ethic you have. Again, you should state how loyal you can be to an employer. We’re sure that you were advised to link your work experience to the position you are applying for, but what if you don’t have any experience? This article will equip you with the best CV writing tips for freshers.

CV Writing Tips for freshers Cademix Article Lindah Awuor

Read the job description carefully

First, make sure that your CV is relevant to the work for which you are applying. It’s necessary here. Before you write your CV, reading the job description is important. This will help you select the keywords you should use in your CV. To be successful in the position you are applying for, each CV should be unique to the skills and qualifications required. Besides, you should prove that you have the same set of core values as the employer.

Personal details and contact information

All your contact information should be included in the first section of your CV. This includes your name, address (or city and state), phone number, and email address. Some individuals choose not to have their full address. However, it can help you stand out if you live close to the office of the job you are applying for. Ensure your contact data is correct, and add professional-looking email addresses.

Have a great summary

The very first feature that a recruiter can read on your CV is your personal statement.  Therefore it needs to be perfect. Take your time to write a brief description of yourself. Always remember to include your talents and what makes you the ideal candidate for the job. This can be done in three to five lines. Please keep it short and straightforward. It’s not supposed to be a story but a snapshot of what makes you a great worker.

Highlight your skills 

Your next move is to select the technical hard skills and soft skills and make them stand out. These skills should be based on the role you are applying for. You will also include unique skills listed in the job description that the employer is searching for.

Your skills create a full image of how an organization can leverage you. There’s no excuse for them not to hire you if a recruiter sees specific abilities in your resume. If anyone receives 100+ applications a day, the critical criteria used to create the shortlist may be applicant skills.

Interview Woman Meeting Job CV writing


Job experience underestimation is often common in most fresher CVs. Many businesses that employ freshers typically search for projects or coursework that are important. A good example of experience may be something that you did in your coursework, lab. This can also be an assignment or during your internship, which can qualify as a professional-grade working experience.

Your training and educational background

A number of jobs demand a specifically recognized degree of education. It allows the work applicant to get closer to being shortlisted by only listing them out in a way a recruiter can easily comprehend. Be sure to note the substantial and essential coursework to add to your educational background to your CV.

Editing and proofreading

Nothing is annoying like a CV full of grammatical errors and typos. This will do the absolute reverse of convincing the hiring manager that you are the right choice for the job. It reveals that you are sloppy, careless, and incompetent. Moreover, this shows that you do not pay enough attention to the little details-employers look for.

You may read your CV out loud or have your CV proofread for you by a friend or family member. This will help you recognize any mistakes in spelling or grammar, and search for discrepancies. Besides, this ensures that your CV highlights the attributes that make you the best choice for the role. It also ensures that your resume is truthful and memorable.

The first move to securing an interview with a company is always your CV. Ensure that you provide the most important details on your CV. Arrange it to highlight the most important points, and carefully search for mistakes. Once your CV is sharpened and completed, it should enable you to have more callbacks, interviews, and career opportunities.

Do you need help with your CV writing process? Cademix has organized events with professionals who will help you in your CV writing process to land you that first job.

Related Keywords

graduates, Resume, CV tips, career, career design, resumes, interview tips, preparation, soft skills,

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